Centro de Relajación Yantra Armonía para el Ser.


I N D I V I D U A L S - P L A N S

O T H E R - P L A N S


P L A N S - F O R - C O M P A N I E S

Business Events and Workshops for the development of the Being.

Business Relaxation

Provide spaces and activities that help the welfare, relaxation and health promotion of employees,
for the promotion and prevention of the programs required by Decree 1072 of 2015

-Active Pause, Healthy Pause, Express Massage

-It takes a moment for each person to break the routine and activate physically and intellectually.
-It reduces stress.
-Bright feeling of well-being and relief.
-It reduces the risk of accidents and occupational diseases.

Workshops and Wellness Events

It is our desire to support professionally and systemically the human and social talent of the entity, for this reason we present programs for the being, with the certainty that it is a contribution to the responsibility that we all have with the corporal, mental, labor and relational health of our own and of our employees.

We know that consciousness is the new raw material of organizations, which is why this proposal is part of the movement of quality of life in companies. Our new proposal is to bring together the inner human with the working, family and social world

We have experiences for each occasion that the organization requires in the month, women’s day, man’s day, birthday, mother’s day, father’s day, child’s day, secretary’s day, day of love and friendship, Christmas, anniversary day of the company, among others.