Centro de Relajación Yantra Armonía para el Ser.


Integral Therapies



Volcanic stones, relaxes, connects us with the earth and helps us to achieve our dreams.

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Swedish massage

Stress releasing massage, firming of muscles and joints.

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Terapias Angelicales

Angelic therapies to connect with your higher self.

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Natural therapy that improves the functions of the body through massages at reflex points of the body, hands and feet with essential oils, helps us balance body and mind.

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African massage

Wake up courage, joy and the power of decision.

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Thai Therapeutic Massage

Brighten up your life with an ancestral massage where you improve flexibility, reduce tension, increase our vital energy, concentration and sensory capacity.

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Sound therapy

It is a therapy that seeks to restore harmony and coherence at all levels of Being. The frequencies of the instruments enter deep into the cells, raising their vibration, healing all inharmonious states..

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Technique of Traditional Chinese Medicine that consists of the combustion of the mugwort plant, highly valued for its properties both in the West and in the East, relieves aches and pains.

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Energy Alignment Therapy

Therapy that consists of capturing the energy of the person, who is in disharmony or imbalance to transform it and return it to its original harmony or balance.

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Learn to balance and connect with your body in a beautiful, warm and welcoming space.

4 classes per month –
8 classes per month –

Who can attend these classes?

The classes are aimed at all those people who are interested in harmonizing their body and mind through a practice of physical postures (Asanas) of low and medium intensity and breathing (pranayama).

What are Asanas?

They are static postures that are performed in Yoga with different purposes.
They seek to unblock the muscular armor, in order to allow a better circulation of the vital energy of the human being, giving flexibility, resistance in the flexibility, better muscle tone and balance. Allowing a recognition of the whole body by the mind itself and a sudden emotional change.

A physical posture of Yoga or Asana, is a posture that works by means of
the flexibility and the energetic unblocking of a muscle or, throught the force or
the tension of the muscle for the elimination of the energy. That energy changes emotions, breaks physical support of the emotion, because it eliminates the muscular tension, or because it eliminates the energy from which that emotion was nourished.

What is Pranayama?

Pranayama means control of Prana or vital energy.
These techniques and exercises are based on the breathing and postures of Yoga to allow the concentration of Prana in our being, managing it correctly.

It is the technique that teaches us to economize and manage energy through the correct use of the respiratory rhythm and its retentions in relation to the acts we perform in life. For example, when an effort is made whether physical or mental, if you want to have more strength or more attention is necessary to retain the breath, that technique is called Kumbhaka and we use it to make less strength or have good memory.

Dharmachari S. Maitreyananda


Classes on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Sign up on WhatsApp 312 756 34 37



We invite you to live an experience of life, calm, harmony and balance connecting with water.

Personalized or group classes.

Personalized or group class –

Benefits of yoga in water

– Calm anxiety.
– Low stress levels.
– Develop a better level of breathing.
– Contributes to the improvement of the problems of arthrosis, arthritis, spinal problems.
– Avoid joint pain in bones and muscles.
– Encourage recovery of joints and muscles that have suffered injuries.
– Improves self-esteem, shyness or depression.
– Regularizes the functions of the respiratory, circulatory, digestive and glandular systems.
– Relieves postural males, managing to reverse the vices of sedentary lifestyle.
– Reduce tensions by controlling the anxiety and stress of modern life.
– Stimulates the defense system.
– Control overweight due to its effects on the glandular endocrine system.
– Gives wellness, physical and emotional.